2 million accounts from Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and others are stolen

On Nov. 24, Trustwave researchers tracked a server, located in the Netherlands. They discovered compromised credentials for more than 93,000 websites. Hackers used keylogging software to rout information through a proxy server, so it’s impossible to track down which computers are infected. The virus was capturing log-in credentials for key websites over the past month and sending those usernames and passwords to a server controlled by the hackers.

Link: http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/04/technology/security/passwords-stolen/index.html?sr=fb120413securepassword3p

1 thought on “2 million accounts from Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and others are stolen

  1. This is a difficult issue to combat. Because one person was careless with their personal computer use, they caused the virus to spread. The other users were unaware that most of their computers were infected since keylogging viruses happen where the user can’t see it. Those users had no idea that people were capturing each keystroke of the user. This could have been worse than what it actually was. The virus could have captured a person’s personal or bank information and stolen more than just a social network profile. The best way that I can think to combat this is to have an up-to-date anti-virus software installed on your computer and to not open anything that may seem suspicious.

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